Thursday, January 5, 2012

Aspirating A Baker Cyst (not)

"Baker cysts are common."  THEN THERE SHOULD BE A WAY TO FIX THEM!

The alarm went off at 5:45 so we could be at the hospital for the ultrasound guided aspiration at 6:45.

"Can you roll over on to your stomach for me?"

Shit.  I knew he was going to say that.  About a minute later (nothing is easy these days) I was all lying on my stomach which meant I was also lying on the front of my painful grapefruit of a knee.  I tried to focus on how much better it felt after I suffered through the procedure last year.  That time the doc removed about 60 ccs of bloody serum.  This cyst was bigger so I couldn't wait to hear how much he got this year.

"We're done. 15 to 20."  the doc pretended to sound enthusiastic but didn't fool me.

"That's it?" I thought.

He said there was probably dried blood in there.

Too preoccupied by the pain in the knee on which I was lying and having gotten even less sleep than usual, I couldn't think of one question like, "Can you get the dried blood out?  Does it matter?  Are you just going to leave it?   The cyst is still there and still really close to the size of a lemon.  Does that change the game-plan for the knee replacement?"  That is my big question.  Seems I got up at 5:45 for nothing.  Bummer.

I wish I was his only patient. 

There is something good about the trip.  He wrote me a prescription for an anti-inflammatory called meloxicam.  I looked it up and it's pretty much what we give our dog Max when he's stiff.  He responds to it really well...almost immediately...and I've always said that I wish there was a human version.  Bingo!

I decided mid-morning that I wasn't going to ski today and savored my decision.   Spent about an hour and a half cleaning and most of the rest of the day on the couch.   Spun on the bike for 48 minutes while watching a 'Curb'.  Was fun.  I actually sweat....only because it was hot in the room but it still felt good. Not looking forward to trying to sleep tonight.  Will bring up an emergency 1/2 vicoden.  When I got up this morning the knee hurt more than it does a lot of days.  Who knows? 

My lack of mobility and pain casts a dark shadow over everything.  Like, I used to think it was pretty when it snowed.  Now I fret about how I'm going to be able to walk to the car and once I get to the car, how long is it going to take me to get in?  Cold weather sucks...I used to love it.  Putting on socks or boots...forget about it.  (actually being pregnant probably comes with some of the same frustrations...but they're short term)    I am a different person.  I move so slowly.   Anyway, I'm done complaining.    

It's going to be a really long 10 weeks unless I suck it up and change my attitude.

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