Friday, January 20, 2012

Fifty-One Days

Took a 1/2 vicoden** and 1/2 meloxicam an hour before I went out for a ski*.  I headed north from the house which meant there would be a few steep-ish downhills on the way back home.   I'd been avoiding this route due to fairly shitty conditions but the new snow last night should make it more-than-likely doable.  Half way around the loop I was not totally surprised when I felt my knee swelling so I headed home which was the same distance either way. :)  I was out 1:50.  It was delicious.  Sunny, 15 degrees and new snow.  Yum.
I iced when I got home and was very comfortable.  Comfortable enough to do 20 minutes of upper body on the rowing machine and go out again flat along the river for 1:10... with no more medication.  Now, showered and reclined on the couch, I am pretty much pain free.  High pressure*** again but I think the meloxicam may be working for me.
I've 'always' been passionate about getting some exercise everyday and having the surgery coming up, in the spirit of a quicker recovery, I'm even more determined to get out everyday.
*when I mention skiing, it is always Nordic skiing.
**all the books say that after surgery, for PT, the patient should take a pain killer in order to get the most out of the PT session.  Seemed like that same protocol should work for skiing and I want to go into the surgery being as fit as possible.
***I like to think weather has an effect on my arthritis even though I know it probably doesn't.

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