Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day Eight

Vin took Max and I on an outing today in the car.  Max sat in the way back, I sat in the middle so I could extend my legs and Vince drove.  Usually Max gets the middle AND the back but I think he liked having me along so didn't mind putting up with his cramped quarters.

We went to Johnson State College so Vin could do some work in the darkroom.  The hallway was set-up perfectly for my physical therapy exercises.  He got done developing his film the same time I got done with my PT and we drove to Stowe where I walked 1:10 on the bike path along the river.  It was warm and sunny and I was out walking.  It was like a miracle.  1:10 was a comfortable amount of time.  And for everyone that is thinking I was over-doing it --I OK'd it with my physical therapist yesterday.  Vin and Max walked with me.

Vince is a great nurse but he sighs a lot.  If I try to do something myself, he sighs because he feels like he should do it but if I ask him to do something he sighs because he has to do it.
Tonight it felt like the baker cyst appeared behind my left knee again (is that possible?) and then disappeared before I had a chance to ask the surgeon for my money back.

I have to figure out how to sleep.  With both knees in rehab no position is comfortable or painless.   For 54 years bedtime had been one of the highlights of my day and now I dread it.  So, I guess one of the goals of this whole knee ordeal is to be able to look forward to bedtime again.

My temp is OK again.

Nurse Tim said that he heard a little gurgling in my lungs so I have to more diligent about breathing into a simple plastic contraption (Voldyne) to discourage pneumonia and improve post surgery lung function.  I'm breathing for two (new knees) now.  So happy I did them at the same time.

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