Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day Nineteen

Tried ice on my knees and heat everywhere else this morning to loosen up.  Couldn't have hurt....and it may have helped.  Felt proactive anyway.

The knees are swollen, clunky and numb but I guess that's probably normal.

Walking was easier and smoother yesterday than today and because it was easier and smoother yesterday, I was probably more active than I should have been.  I rode and rowed yesterday because it was easy too.  I'll bet that's why the knees aren't bending that well today.  That's what I get for listening to my body (and showing off for the physical therapist).  I listened to the body messages that came in loud and clear today and backed off a set.

According the the PT, the only thing limiting my activity is the short term pain and swelling so whatever I can make myself do....do.  I'm not going to hurt anything because the knees are brand new.  She said if I do something and it hurts for more than 20 minutes after stopping, it may be a good idea to hold off on that one for a while.

I'm focusing on getting protein like a good girl and other than not being able to really move, I feel good.

Tomorrow's goal is to do something that I can fool myself into thinking is productive.  Finish the sweater I'm knitting?  Wrap up the pretty worthless online short story class I'm taking?  Decide on just one of the six books I'm picking at and go with it? 

The vitamin e hasn't helped yet, I can still see my scars.

Hang in there with me, something interesting is bound to happen at some point.

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