Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day One Hundred-Nine

Vin got a used 2 dollar, right, platform pedal for his bike so he could ride with his cast thing and we rode the a big 22 miles on the Stowe bike path then got coffee.  Other than driving with him in the passenger seat, I enjoy being his nurse.
I walked Max who, pretending to be unaware of my recent simultaneous bilateral total knee replacements, pulls way too hard.
I'm doing my stretching exercises 2x a day like I'm supposed to and today I started to feel like the right leg soft tissue is loosening up.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day One Hundred-Seven

Bet you didn't think you'd hear from me again so soon.

Still trying to figure out how to deal with my knees being at such different stages in the healing process.  If I only needed one leg to walk I'd be all set.  The left, post-cortisone, is pretty much perfect...still painful when it seems like it should be and never for very long.  The right one still feels like cut glass.  Yes, it responds to PT...but by feeling worse instead of better.  And not just for a little while...the whole day.  We can't figure out how to increase flexion.  The soft tissue seems really really really tight.  Stubborn.  You'd think stretching would loosen it up but it doesn't.  If I can deal with the guilt, I'm going to take a day off from walking Max and see how it feels.  Sorry Max.  I'll cook you a free-range, local, organic steak and take you swimming.

Rode 2 hours from home with a few rollers, walked Max, babied Vince and his toe.  Did good PT and lots of icing.  Was able to be in the moment all day without really trying.  I have a lot for which to be thankful.
Me, 107 days ago.  What a babe.  Maybe I should stop complaining about 'no progress'.