Sunday, March 4, 2012

Twelve Days

Skied the grand tour with friends Ed and Linda.  Iced up a ton with already slow skis which is never good for an arthritic knee.  Wimped out and took a pain killer (5/325) before bed.
I'm not sure I'd really ever looked at my body in a full length mirror before but today I did.  I noticed my right knee was a bit knocked and my right hip was skewed.  I'm pretty sure I was straight up and down until around now.  I had Vin photograph that part of me so I can send it to the doc.  Is that weird?  If I email it to him will he think it's porn?  Was thinking I could photoshop a four leaf clover or something over the crotch area.  Whatever...I don't think I'm going in for my fix a minute too soon.
Walking is awkward and pathetic.  Crutches help.

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