Sunday, March 4, 2012

I missed Sixteen Days and then some

Days 16 thru 13.
Day 16.  Had a 7:30 visit with the pre-op nurse, that was supposed to be yesterday but had to be re-scheduled because the ortho clinic was running late and I couldn't be two places at once, who asked me all the questions I had answered on a questioner two weeks ago.   Then she sent me to have an EKG, chest x-ray, blood and urine test.  I think I skied but I'm not sure since one day last week my knee wouldn't let me but I can't remember which one.
Day 15 nothing that much different than any other day except for when I started to ski down Elinor's Field and my right ski came off.  That was interesting.  A cartwheel followed by a belly flop and a vision of me laying there forever.  But I did get up...and I did decide not to continue down Elinor's.
Day 14 skied out to Windridge with friends Ed and Linda and no knee incidents worth mentioning other than not being able to find a comfortable sleeping position that night.
Day 13 skied Sam's with friends Ed and Linda then again with Vin.  All good.  Picked up a prescription that I called in yesterday.  Didn't need another tossy turny night.

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