Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day Sixty-Nine

Poor Vinny the therapist is almost more bummed about my left knee than I am. 

He's bummed because we can't really start working on my strength as long as I have this left knee hitch to deal with.  Today as he watched me dragging my left leg behind me across the parking lot (I don't try to grin and bear it anymore, like it doesn't hurt, like I used to) he got to thinking again that it may be the IT band.  He poked and stretched me even more than usual.  I got more blue tape....this time just around the knee, ultrasound, new exercises, foam roller training (ouch!!), another hit of iontophoresis and an hour later I limped out to the car.

My right knee was cranky today.  Flexion was 115 (it was 125 a week ago) before stretching and 122 after.  It wasn't swollen but it was pretty achy.  Left knee was 127 which is not a misprint.  You'd think the flexion would be less on the left since it is the one giving me all the trouble but it's not. 

So.  I limped from the car and to the car...but the limps felt a bit different.  Later when we walked Max, I really tried to focus on bringing my left leg through smoothly and I kind of could.  Some of the time. Maybe.  It still hurt a bunch so I'm not completely psyched but a little perceived improvement is good.

Then for a glorious hour and a half on the Stowe bike path everything is good.  Thankfully I can ride like a fairly normal person.

Note:  I recently took a few days away from 'Kathy's New Knees' and you were either thinking that 'no news is good news', 'something bad happened' or you didn't notice.    I'll hit some high-points (high-points is kind of a stretch) of the time off tomorrow.



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