Thursday, May 24, 2012

Days Sixty-Three, Four, and Five*

Day Sixty-Three was 5 hours of driving to Bradley Airport (Connecticut), Max's favorite walk (Hawley, Massachusetts), an hour bike ride on the Northampton (Massachusetts) bike path, 2 hours of  airport, 4 hours of flying and another hour and a half of driving from the airport in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to my dad's house in Minnesota.  My knees told me the driving was their least favorite part but survived.

I forgot.  Yesterday Vinny the therapist measured my left flexion at 128 before stretching and my right flexion at 122 (125 after stretching).

All that carpeting and all those La-Z-Boys.  It was easy to find a comfortable spot to do some PT in my dad's house on day sixty-four.  Hiked up an abandoned rope-tow ski hill faster then I walked down and rode Ada's (Dad's third wife) bike about 3 miles before our niece's birthday party.  I make it sound like a bigger/harder day than it was.

Doesn't have a whole lot to do with knees but photos are fun.  The humidity only effected the lettering.  The cake was delicious.

Day Sixty-Five.  Rode twice around the 9 mile? Guida loop from Dad's house.  The first time we had a 35 mph wind from the north and the second time we had a 35 mph wind from the south.  Minnesota hills (cliche').  Did an hour of PT on the carpet and a couple hours of reading in one of the recliners.

Proudly, I really felt like I'd put on a few pounds** and Dad said he had a scale.  He pulled it out and adjusted the needle from 10 pounds to the left of zero (I know that trick Dad) to where it should be.  Fully clothed I stepped on the scale.  Damn.  112.  Maybe 113 if I tilt my head more the side.  "That has to be wrong." I said.  Dad said it was right, stood on it and thought it was wrong too...but in the other direction. 

*sorry.  thought I'd catch up today but didn't.  66, 67 and 68 are still coming and really interesting. :)
**remember I'm trying to gain some weight


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