Day Sixteen
The sunshine today helped with my attitude. So did a LITTLE walk with my neighbor Linda and Allison's daffodil bearing pop-in. You know, I hadn't been outside in over a week....not once. Ouch.
Did a drive to Danville full of back roads and wrong turns which was fun. Sat in the passenger seat with ice on my pathetically flexed knees on the way to pick up an EBAY purchased espresso machine that had to be fixed before we could use it. Funny how minor details like that are often left out of the EBAY descriptions of things we buy. But maybe he didn't know it was broken?
Yesterday I admitted to feeling sorry for myself because knees. These days any normal person seems to make it through the operation and rehab with good results. My problem is that I'm just not sure I will. Of course no one really knows for six months if the operation was a huge success or not but even so I feel like there are things going on in my knees that don't go on in other people's knees. My baker cysts reoccurred and feel really gross. My knees are still really swollen and tight. Flexion exercises don't really seem to help. The hardware clicks and clunks. The nurses and physical therapists are amazed at my progress but I think they are comparing it to the progress of unfit, older patients and aren't aware of what I should be capable. I didn't expect to be running yet, by any means, but I had hoped daily progress would be more obvious. People who know, tell me the first month is a nightmare so maybe I should wait a few more weeks before I give up.